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Fertility Chances Decreases By 50% At Age 35- Many Solutions Florida News

Fertility Chances Decreases By 50% At Age 35- Many Solutions Florida News

Rise Of Laparoscopy

Laparoscopy is generally prescribed for patients who have one of the following problems: blocked fallopian tubes, fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts and pain in the pelvic region. Laparoscopy is non invasive and does not require a very lengthy timeframe for surgery, mostly lasting about 45 minutes.

Laparoscopy surgery is also performed for tubal reversal. When a friend suffered from ovarian cysts, a laparoscopy was performed wherein the cysts were removed with hardly any complications. The risks involved in laparoscopy are minimal, if not absent.

Surgical procedure

Laparoscopy for infertility treatments involves making two incisions, one at the navel and the other at the pubic hairline. The laparoscope is much like a telescope, and is inserted in one opening and the tools for surgery are inserted into the other. The doctor can now see the internal organs through the laparoscope. Surgeries that earlier required opening the abdomen are now performed by way of laparoscopy.

Typically, laparoscopy is performed under general anesthesia. Laparoscopy surgery is very important in infertility treatment because the surgeon can look for any abnormalities or problems in the reproductive system. Even when there is no problem such as endometriosis, a tissue sample may be taken for further tests. The surgery also helps detect ectopic pregnancy, and your doctor will check the fallopian tubes if there is any abnormal pregnancy.

It is after the surgery is performed that the doctor will tell you what treatments you would need to opt for treating your infertility. If the fibroids have been removed or a fallopian tube has been corrected, pregnancy is achievable without further therapy. If you have had endometriosis and the scar tissue has been removed, you can still get pregnant without any further treatment. However, in spite of the surgery, if you cannot achieve pregnancy, then, you will be asked to seek fertility treatment  with medications


For some days after your laparoscopy, you may feel a certain amount of pain in the area where incisions have been made. You may feel bloated, experience cramps and some amount of shoulder pain, but these symptoms are not much to worry about, once your body has absorbed the remaining gas that was used to inflate the abdomen. You may also feel tired even after weeks, but that too is normal.

Recovery after surgery

Recovery time varies from person to person and what the laparoscopy was used for. You will recover within four-five days if you have gone through laparoscopy only to get your condition diagnosed, but if it involves more serious issues such as removal of ovaries, recovery time can go up to over ten weeks.