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What supplements should I use to boost my chances of getting pregnant?

What supplements should I use to boost my chances of getting pregnant?

A well-balanced diet will supply you with virtually all of the nutrients you require during your pregnancy. Women should, however, supplement their diet with two extra vitamins around the time of conception, according to the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

Folate is a B-vitamin (the natural form of folic acid). Dark green leafy vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and seafood naturally contain it. Low folate levels are prevalent in the UK, and if they develop during pregnancy, they can harm newborns, and they may be born prematurely or with birth abnormalities. Neural tube disorders, including spina bifida, are the most prevalent malformations linked to low folate levels.

In the United Kingdom, all women are recommended to take 400ug of folic acid eight weeks before conception, and they should take it for the rest of the pregnancy, up to 12 weeks. This guarantees that a sufficient quantity of folic acid is available throughout conception and until the neural tube shuts.

Is it okay to drink when trying to become pregnant?

The research strongly suggests that alcohol should be avoided during pregnancy. Alcohol passes the placenta and enters a fetus’s bloodstream in a mother’s circulation. This might put the infant in danger and increase the chances of birth abnormalities. Because confirming a pregnancy might take a few weeks, it’s best to avoid alcohol when attempting to conceive.

Couscous parcels with salmon

This salmon dish is perfect for a fast Sunday or midweek meal.

Salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids, such as those found in fish, are required for proper brain development both before and after birth.

Children of women who ate fewer than twelve ounces of fish per week were more likely to score in the lowest quarter on verbal IQ tests, according to a major, long-term study of over 12,000 mothers in the UK. They were also more likely to struggle with fine motor skills, communication, and social development test results.